As we all know, all living beings drink water to stay hydrated. But you will be shocked to know that some living beings can live without drinking water even if they want to.

So let"s know something about them.

African elephants are quite unique because they can get their water needs from their food, they can absorb moisture from their food.

Tortoise lives around the water! But desert tortoise gets so much water from their food that can last till the next rainy season.

Australian water-holding frog Have you seen the skin of a frog, it is sticky in the morning but this frog can store moisture in its tissue and bladder which can last it till the next rain. 

Fennec Foxes absorb most of their moisture from food, but these cute guys can control their sweating which reduces their body's need for water.

Kangaroo rats. They possess highly effective kidneys that greatly reduce their water loss.angaroo rats primarily derive their moisture from the seeds they consume.